Smith And Wesson Model 915 Manual카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 17. 17:37
Hard question to answer without more to go on but. Heregoes.I have one. I've been shooting with it for over 10 years and amfor the most part very happy with it. I'm shooting it as it cameout of the box originally except for adding tritium dots on therear sights.
It is a 'budget' 4' barrel pistol ($450-ish or so) butacts in my hands almost as good as my Glock 17. The action issmooth in single-action mode but pretty stiff in double-action (9.5lbs I think is what it bench tested at). In the hands of acompetent shooter, s/he could easily qualify at 25 yards on a 5'target in single-action firing. I don't fire it much in DA.Built on an aluminum frame with steel guts it has a good weightbut isn't too heavy. In double-tap firing it strays vertically lessthan my Glock and more than the Sig-Sauer 239. It disassemblesrelatively easily by holding the slider back about midway and thenpushing the lock pin out.
Smith Wesson 9mm Model 915
I still haven't found the best mostconvenient way to do this after years of doing it. Cleaning is asnap but it's difficult to get deep down in the guts to clean (butno more so than other some other semi-autos).I personally have never had a jam with this pistol. Never, notonce. I have shot everything with it from Chinese import,Winchester and Remington to reload. Very reliable in this area.I recommend this handgun to anyone who wants a nice solid 9mmentry-level semiauto but doesn't want to spend a lot of money. It'sa really good first timer's semiauto and in competent hands can bea fine handgun.The S&W 915 is basically a lower-cost version of their59xx-series guns (specifically a 5904).
Smith And Wesson Model 915 Manual For Sale
The 915 wasn't manufacturedall that long, until it became illegal to sell high-capacitymagazines under the assault weapons ban, when it was rebranded the910 and sold with a smaller magazine. As the other person noted,it's a REALLY reliable handgun, and makes for a great personalprotection carry weapon.